Prove Him Wrong

Date:September 22-23, 2022
Venue:DC Improv
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Whether it’s from his hyper impactful Netflix debut appearances, his podcast “BS with Brian Simpson” or his current series of live performances, the man has made first impressions his super power.

In fact the only downside of a Brian Simpson first impression… you only get one.

After that, you’re prepared. You know to expect the logic and the matter of fact delivery.

Equal parts unassuming and formidable, Simpson comes across as both the smartest kid in class, and the last invite you’d accept to a wordless afterschool settling of grievances.

He’s not telling you what he thinks. He’s not even telling you what he thinks you should know. He’s telling you what is…and making you laugh while you learn.

I caught him at the DC Improv (Coincidentally the same weekend that Nore Davis was killing at the same club.)

His even keel delivery exposes just how much he trusts his material. There are not a lot of rhythmic tricks employed to “make it funny”…it just is. And his facial expression seems to be in a constant state of “prove me wrong….” with the soon to follow, “…didn’t think so” hanging like that proverbial “other shoe” in the air.

Cynicism in this craft is too easy.  In fact its the not-so-secret handshake of those who grab a mic (and those who wish they could).

Simpson seems to manifest his material with such skill that it’s hard not to hear the underlying optimism.

He believes the world can be a better place…but only after he shoots straight about precisely how and why its currently askew.

If you know he’s doing a set, do yourself a favor and see him. If it’s your first time… brace yourself for impact.