Meredith Forte visits…
Meredith Forte visits Morgan and the two chat like long time creative friends.
Unaware of the results to come.
Meredith Forte visits Morgan and the two chat like long time creative friends.
Unaware of the results to come.
The Spikefish
Meredith Forte visits Morgan and the two chat like long time creative friends. Unaware of the results to come.
After a Summer of being on the road, Morgan and Earl reconnect at EATON on ELECTION DAY…. Unaware of the results to come.
Morgan and Earl discuss the Kendrick/Drake beef… and then continue on… and on ….. and on….
Date: October 5, 2023 Venue: Apollo Theater Socials: Often when the word colorful is used to describe a comedian, it’s referencing their language or their clothing… When discussing Patrice Deveaux, I feel compelled to use the word.…
Date: June 1, 2023 Venue: Howard Theater Socials: | Fans of the verbal and intellectual martial art that takes place behind a microphone and in front of an audience… know how easy it is, to oversimplify why…
Date: May 14, 2023 Venue: DC Improv Socials: | If the Earth were to suddenly stop spinning…I mean really came to a screeching halt….with everything hanging in suspended animation. I know two things for sure: Stevie…