
Does he even need a mic to do this?

Date:November 10, 2023
Venue:The Venue at Hard Rock Hotel

Donnell Rawlings, the DC born comedian who is not afraid to speak his mind (or yours), returns.

The high energy exchange other comedians can struggle to get out of a crowd, is the fevered pitch at which a Rawlings show begins. Donnell’s voice starts at a frequency that universally draws the ear to what he’s got to say.

Like a town crier for those who just want to hear the funny part of the news; this is what it looks like when a former heckler** uses his powers for good.

In this installation of Chapelle’s Home Team: Donnell’s first person accounts of Generation X’s present reality sharply cut across cultural lines. Even the situations he uniquely finds himself in, resonate effortlessly.

Which is a feat I still don’t understand

If you’re a fan of From Ashy to Classy… or his comedic social media back and forth with Charlemagne the god…or the one liners he delivered as ‘Beautiful’ in the epic sketch Playa Hater’s Ball… you already know the laughs are sudden, visceral and hold up over time.

Everyone left the Venue at the Hard Rock Hotel in Manhattan that night, with cramped cheek muscles and a slight disorientation from having lost track of time.

Watch it, you’ll know why.

** Can you imagine the nightmare of holding a mic and trying to do battle with a voice that can cut through crowd noise the way his does?ed a mic to do this?