
standing room only

Date: August 18-20, 2022 Venue: DC Comedy Loft Socials: | There are only a few seconds left to claim “early adopter” status on the bullet train comedians know as Zainab Johnson before it leaves the station. If you’re just now buying a ticket, I’ll warn you…you’ll struggle to find a seat. Her ascent to the standing room only

Family Valued

Date: September 22-23, 2022 Venue: DC Improv Socials: | The worst kept secret about the black community: though the majority of us may vote liberal, the homes that raised us were not. While other American cultures have been slow in finding the intersection where familial acceptance meets identity and sexuality, black families all too often Family Valued

Self-advocacy realized.

Date: October 22, 2022 Venue: Lincoln Theater The Lincoln theater on U st. fills up with patrons. Aside from a chair and a microphone, the stage sits empty but lit. There was no zany music playing in the background, there was no opening act (or two) trying to raise the crowd’s temperature. The random conversations Self-advocacy realized.