The Spikefish

Master of His Own Style.

Date: May 14, 2023 Venue: DC Improv Socials: | If the Earth were to suddenly stop spinning…I mean really came to a screeching halt….with everything hanging in suspended animation. I know  two things for sure:   Stevie Wonder would still be loving whomever he was talking to in “As” … If he happened to be Master of His Own Style.

Guard changes

Guard Changes In my own words, a consistent theme of Roy Wood Jr’s comedy is “common sense is still common sense…and if you don’t see it, you’re probably looking at it incorrectly.” We’ll come back to this. I’m not entirely sure if it was the universe’s atonement for the 24 hr news cycle or the Guard changes

how I experienced selective outrage

How I Experienced Selective Outrage I didn’t see the hour Chris Rock was developing prior to the 2022 Oscars* For readers who don’t know, comedy specials are the opposite of musical albums. While both serve as an intentional collection of the artist’s vision; albums are the introduction of new music and a comedy special serves how I experienced selective outrage

standing room only

Date: August 18-20, 2022 Venue: DC Comedy Loft Socials: | There are only a few seconds left to claim “early adopter” status on the bullet train comedians know as Zainab Johnson before it leaves the station. If you’re just now buying a ticket, I’ll warn you…you’ll struggle to find a seat. Her ascent to the standing room only