The Spikefish

Shots fired … in Defense.

Only time will tell if Katt Williams’ appearance on Shannon Sharpe’s couch will be equivalent to Suge Knight’s acceptance speech at the 1995 Vibe Awards. If you’re familiar with my writing style, you know I use obscure pop culture references to illustrate the patterns I see. Not since Suge Knight’s starter pistol of an acceptance Shots fired … in Defense.

Has Crayons Will Travel

Date: October 5, 2023 Venue: Apollo Theater Socials: Often when the word colorful is used to describe a comedian, it’s referencing their language or their clothing… When discussing Patrice Deveaux, I feel compelled to use the word. But only to describe how she intends for you to see the world when she leaves the stage. Has Crayons Will Travel

An evolution in progress.

Date: June 1, 2023 Venue: Howard Theater Socials: | Fans of the verbal and intellectual martial art that takes place behind a microphone and in front of an audience… know how easy it is, to oversimplify why things work or don’t. To say “this is better because…” when at the end of the day it An evolution in progress.